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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Hide and Seek Biscuit Chocolate

We distribute sweets to our dear ones on any occasion or function or festival. On the day of rakhee, sweets are a signal of sweet relation between a brother and sister.  For this rakhee, I made Hide and Seek chocolates taught to me by my friend Shikha during our college days.

It tastes yummy, delicious and is on top of my chocolate recipe list as you don’t need much preparation while you are busy during festivals or with any occasion.

Making time: 30 minutes
Makes: 13 chocolate balls

What goes in it:

Hide and Seek Biscuit- 18 biscuits i.e., 1 packet
Milk- 2 tbl spn
Condensed Milk- 3 tbl spn (I used Mithai Mate)

How did I make it:

Break hide and seek biscuits into fours and grind it finely in a grinder. 

To make the powder fine filter the powder using a chiani.

Fine biscuit powder
Add milk and condensed milk in the biscuit powder.

Mix them all well till it becomes semi solid.

Apply butter on palms and get ready to mould the semi solid biscuit paste into chocolate balls or whichever shape you want to.

For garnishing I used some toffees on top of it. You can also use chocolate sprinklers or dry coconut powder.

Refrigerate it for ½ hour and then it’s ready to go in your stomach... J


  1. Hope you like it brothers...

  2. Hey sisters do share what did you make for your brother this rakhee...

  3. Hey Vru..Yumm Recipe dear...Well I just bought Nestle milkmaid for making my recipe of walnut brownie..which again is very easy but now am tempted to buy some hide n seek biscuits and make ur recipe :)
    Vinita Deepu

    1. Hey Vini ya sure try dis... its yummy n tempting the way you like...
      N do tel how you made it coz I am sure you will add your variation to it.. :)


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